Class Management Strategies to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Science Learning for 5th Grade MI NU Watuduwur Purworejo

Siti Anisatun Nafiah, Maftuhatus Solihah, Nurfita Khairunisa


Class management is an important point in the learning process in the classroom. Science learning at MI/SD is mandatory learning for elementary/MI students. Therefore, classroom management in science learning needs to have the right strategy in order to improve student learning outcomes. The type of research used is classroom action research. Data collection techniques using observation and tests. Data analysis technique using descriptive analysis. The research results show that using appropriate classroom management strategies can improve student learning outcomes as seen from the KKM results. The KKM results in the first cycle of students who completed were 33.33% while in the second cycle it was 87.50%.


Classroom Management; Learning outcomes; Science Learning;

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ILUMINASI: Journal of Research in Education publised by Lembaga Pendidikan Hikmatun Najah (LPHN) Blora